How to Change a WordPress User from Subscriber to Administrator Role

A rare situation, but in those rare instances when your website has been hacked and your WordPress user account has been changed from the role of Administrator to something else entirely, it may be easiest to simply change your WordPress user account back to Administrator using phpMyAdmin. To change your WordPress user account from Subscriber […]

About the WordPress Updates and Security Service

A semicircular diagram titled

What Can A Fella Do For $5ish a Month?” (or $14.95 without a bulk discount) I’m asked this question often enough that I feel the need to write a post I could link back to on the topic of, “What can you do for $5ish a month?” Well, quite a lot actually: – Prevent hackers […]

WordPress 4.9.3 – Going into the tunnel and never coming out…

In case you hadn’t heard, in early February 2018, WordPress did a double release of versions, from version 4.9.2 to 4.9.3, then 4.9.4 in a matter of two days. For some WordPress websites, this led to a collision of versions, the end result being it broke the auto-update mechanism, leaving potentially millions of websites stuck […]

How Do I Migrate WordPress to a Different Domain Name?

How Do I Migrate WordPress to a Different Domain Name?

Changing the domain name on an existing WordPress installation or staging a WordPress website at a different location may seem daunting at first. But it’s really quite easy to do. And I’ll show you how. Use case #1: You’ve purchased a number of domain names for your website. And you wish to assign another of […]

Community Blogging: A Short Guide

Submit for Review

Yesterday a client asked me this question about WordPress guest editing and publishing (a.k.a. community blogging): +++++ Hi, Jim. Wondering if you had any knowledge or ideas on the following. I’m interested to find out whether there exists some sort of WordPress plug-in that would allow our readers to input a story and art directly […]

Is My Web Host Secure? Maybe not…

Web server security review

After running into a situation where a client’s web host was running years outdated software, I realized some of you might be operating under a false sense of security–about your security! Many people believe that just because they set up their hosting account with a well-known shared hosting company that stuff magically updates on its […]

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Content Approved By Jim Walker, The Hack Repair Guy