How AI Helps Jim Walker

Jim Walker, The Hack Repair Guy, explains how he uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve creativity and productivity in website security. Learn about his experience with AI tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Claude Sonnet for brainstorming, problem-solving, code reviews, and report writing. Understand the benefits and limitations of AI, as well as its future in website security. Get practical insights and tips from an industry expert.


Hey there, folks! Jim Walker here, The Hack Repair Guy at I want to share how Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer for me in boosting creativity and productivity in my work. While AI won’t be replacing humanity any day soon, it sure can enhance it. Let me tell you how I use AI to improve my creative process and keep your websites safe and secure.


My Adventures with AI Tools

Over the past year, I’ve been diving deep into the world of AI tools to see how they can help me in website security. It’s been quite an adventure, filled with both big learning moments and a good bit of frustration. That said, I’ve tried out dozens of new tools as they’ve emerged and put them to the test in various scenarios. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend checking out:


Using AI for Creativity in Security

One of the primary ways I use AI is for brainstorming, problem-solving, and code review. When I’m tackling a tough security issue, I use multiple AI tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Claude Sonnet. These tools are fantastic for generating new ideas and figuring out the best approach to securing a website. They also assist me in improving the writing of my security reports for clients by providing feedback to enhance clarity, as well as help in PHP and Javascript coding reviews.

I’ve created many custom instructions for these AI tools to help generate new solutions and ideas. Even though many suggestions might not hit the mark, the few that do can greatly influence my approach and push me in fun new directions of thought.

Understanding AI’s Limits


Understanding AI’s Limits

Despite their many advantages, AI has its limitations, especially when it comes to understanding complex, logical flows. Sometimes, when I request the AI to outline a security plan based on a standard approach I use, the result can get a bit disjointed. That’s where my expertise comes in to ensure the plan is solid and makes sense to my client. Apparently, people are still a thing…

My perspective on the use of AI? While AI can assist in generating data and facts, the final product still needs refinement by a “human.” This ensures that the security measures I present and implement are cohesive and effective in the real world (not for the AI world).


About Maximizing AI as a Creative Aid

AI’s true strength lies in its ability to add to my creativity, not replace it. For example, I frequently use AI to analyze the latest security articles, summarizing the information into easier-to-understand chunks. This allows me to more sanely stay ahead of potential risks and my competitors. AI also helps me organize and categorize my notes, making my workflow more efficient.

By using AI to handle these tasks, I can focus more on the critical parts of my work that require my special expertise and creative thinking process.


Avoiding Common Pitfalls with AI

The most important lesson I’ve learned is that many people give up on AI tools too quickly. They might try using AI for tasks it’s not yet proficient with and then dismiss it when it fails. You must interact with your AI using a step-by-step approach to get the best results. In short, you simply have to try and try again to get the right mix of creative output and content. This approach can actually be very rewarding. You’ll see…

Understanding the limitations of AI tools and knowing when a task requires more input is the challenge. With more experience, you will figure out how to get the best results from AI tools.

The Future of AI in Website Security


The Future of AI in Website Security

Looking ahead, AI is set to become an even more integral part of website security. Although it’s not perfect “yet,” AI tools are continually improving. I’m sure the future will see better collaboration between people’s expertise and AI. It’s just a matter of time.

I see a future where AI tools will continue to evolve, providing even more support to security professionals. By leveraging the available tools instead of replacing my input, AI will continue to assist me in better securing my clients’ websites.


Creativity in Website Security

AI has become a wonderfully valuable tool for enhancing my creativity and productivity in website security. While I’m continuing to use AI to improve my workflow every day, I get that it has limitations. My general rule of thought is to “never fully trust what AI tells me” but to use it as a creative trigger for further exploration of the topic I’m working on. Fun times!


Stay secure! If you have any questions or need help with your website security, you know where to find me—Jim Walker, the Hack Repair Guy.


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Content Approved By Jim Walker, The Hack Repair Guy