How can I improve the performance of my WordPress blog (Part 2)

In Part 1 of, “How can I improve the performance of my WordPress website at my current host” I focused on common web server related tips and techniques to improve performance on shared hosting accounts.

In part 2, I will be focusing on the brass tacks, the web design level tweaking needed to improve the performance of your WordPress blog today. Your WordPress friend for lifeSince reading part 1, you have since:

Stop! If not, please-please do so before reading further.

Alrighty then

Let’s move along to the fun stuff!


First, have you tested your website?

Your goal is to score above 85

in both Google PageSpeed

Insights and GTmetrix.

In part 1, we discussed various testing tools, like GTmetrix, Google PageSpeed Insights, Webpagetest, Which loads faster, and Pingdom.

Let’s be real for a moment. If you can’t be found in Google you don’t exist.

So let’s start there. Google PageSpeed Insights is your friend. GTmetrix is a close second for performance checking. Run your website in both, identify the recommended “suggestions” and work to push your performance scores over 85.


Second, focus on localizing your links and data

While Google fonts, Twitter feeds and YouTube vids are wicked cool, keep in mind that any external “data” you attempt to include within your pages may slow your site down as well. Your website may be hosted on a $999 a month dedicated server with the fastest hard drives known to man and still load slower than a buck a month hosting account serviced out of Nigeria…

The best ways to slow your website to a crawl:

The best ways to speed up your website:


In summary

In my best caveman voice, “External Bad, Internal Good! Bots Bad, Caching Good.”



3 Responses

  1. Our team always starts with optimizing large images as many webmasters still ignore the fact that large files make a site slower.

    All in all I think your recommendations for increasing Google page speed insight score are good and you should see quite an improvement if you implemented them.


  2. Your tutorial is one of the best, I’ve increased my site speed 90 and i am able to do that only because of you.
    You are Great

  3. Awesome content! Agree with you Page load time matters more than grade. Website performance optimization ca be done by adding CDN(Content Delivery Network), Minimizing HTTPS, Optimizing images etc. We brought our site load time from 5 sec to 0.4 sec. Please check out this link for more information on speed up wordpress

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