Going into the WordPress 4.9.3 version tunnel

In case you hadn’t heard, in early February 2018, WordPress did a double release of versions, from version 4.9.2 to 4.9.3, then 4.9.4 in a matter of two days.

For some WordPress websites, this led to a collision of versions, the end result being it broke the auto-update mechanism, leaving potentially millions of websites stuck on WordPress version 4.9.3; unable to auto-update to version 4.9.4.

WordPress auto-updates is an important built-in security feature.

Automated auto-updates help to protect your website against known vulnerabilities. Without a functioning auto-updates mechanism in place, a periodic visual review and update of your WordPress installations become even more important.

Below is a real-world example of the WordPress auto-update process failing on a client’s account.

As of February 9th, 2018, I found that 75% of a single client’s 150ish WordPress installations were apparently stranded on the WordPress version 4.9.3 train, with apparently no sign of ever coming out the other side (as 4.9.4).

The solution for this WordPress auto-updates problem?

Review and update your version of WordPress to 4.9.4 as soon as you are able.


How do I update WordPress?

Log into your WordPress, hover over the top left menu item, “Dashboard, click “Updates“, then “Update now.”

Alternately, for a small fee, I can help you update your version of WordPress safely.

I likewise provide a human managed WordPress service plan in case you are in need of ongoing WordPress updates and security management.


Happy Updating!


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